Friday 30 March 2012

Kabul - I'm Here

I created a new record today - my domestic, Herat to Kabul flight was only an hour late, which makes it "on time".

Like many countries getting into, and out of, the airport is quite an adventure. It starts by travelling the most dangerous road in Herat, in my case and mostly, uneventfully but then the fun starts. Thanks to an Afghan team mate I sat in the car, on the side of the road, while he checked me in - only one problem - I din't know he was doing it and he didn't check my luggage on. But I knew no different, just assumed I did it when I eventually got in the terminal.

So, checked in we headed for the secure entry, we were scanned, searched and yelled at by security who then noticed a VIP sticker on the dash board. So in we went, to an empty airport complex - driving innocently before a soldier ran from out the bushes and flagged us down. But we were permitted to go on another 50 meters before I was asked to get out and drag my luggage into the building, where I was shown to a seat. One at a time we were shown to the xray machine and our luggage was scanned. No one else seemed to have luggage but even at the machine I was not told I should have checked luggage.

Pointed to a seat, still no one said what is this over-sized luggage. By the time we walked out onto the tarmac to get on the plane people were so concerned about the Minister of the Interior being on our flight that it was too late. So I lugged my luggage onboard, and they stowed it in a toilet and closed it. The flight was on time because of the VIP, and at the other end I didn't have to wait for the carousel.

Life is never dull!