Friday 13 August 2010


Late last year Edween and Pauleene got married and moved into their first house together; they were excited soon after to discover that they would also welcome their first child into their lives. They celebrated Christmas together, hosting their families at their place. Life was tough, but it was good!

Edween was employed by the Railways as a porter and whilst he didn't make much he had a job and an income - he was one of the lucky ones.

Then on January 12 this year, when Edween was at work and Pauleene was home, the earth shook. Edween watched as a 15 foot high concrete wall fell on market sellers, killing hundreds; awhilst Pauleene ran as their house fell down around her burying most of their meagre belongings and destroying the furniture they had managed to buy together.

Edween and Pauleene moved back into his parents house, Edween lost his job because the railway station was damaged and Pauleene was 3 months pregnant.

Soon after that time Edween began to work as a driver for The Salvation Army's International Emergency Services in Haiti, and on July 23 (8 days 'late' and adding much to the stress levels of an expectant and impatient father) a beautiful little girl, Edweessa was born - mother and baby were healthy. The family is happy, they are alive, they are well, but life is still a day by day existence.

But today was a good day: thanks to the Children at Joyville in the Phillipines, (Manager: Captain Debbie Serojales) who raised some money to assist someone that had been affected by the earthquake I had the privilege of having the family over for lunch and then taking them out shopping. We were able to buy some much needed baby items for Edweessa, some nutritional supplements and 'luxuries' for Mum and Dad even got a couple of 'luxuries' too!

Edweessa says thanks kids, and thank you for allowing me to make some people very happy.