Wednesday 29 May 2013

He Knows My Name!

He stood before me, tall and proud. "He's a rugby player" they announced with obvious pride, "He plays for one of the best schools".

As I sat eating my breakfast the same waiter served me again, he has been on duty for the last few days, and like most of the staff they are efficient, friendly but quietly unobtrusive. But some people cannot be constrained!

The two of us have struck up a friendship - frowned upon I suspect by the boss at first, but when he realised it was a mutual friendship he joined in; and so I learned that Lakshantha is a rugby player. And it all started because I called him by name (thanks to his name tag).

I have been reminded on many occasions over these past few weeks how important it is to treat people with dignity - and to call them by name. It was as if I had done something remarkable when Lakshantha heard me say his name - as big and tough as he looks, his eyes lit up and he smiled and amazing, shy smile.

It was a vast difference to the complete disregard, disdain and downright rudeness with which I have seen some of the guests treat Lakshantha and the other staff. Sometimes it seems it is just too easy to treat people as if they are worthless or not enough - to put them down so that we can feel superior. To put them in their place so that we can feel in control and powerful. Maybe an easy way to do that is to refuse to acknowledge another's name.

But when we hear our name spoken by a person who is looking into our eyes, it is then that we know that we have been acknowledged, we have been called worthwhile, we are enough! I am so grateful to be reminded that God knows me by name - that the God who sees into my soul, my deepest, secret place - still chooses to call me by name and to call me 'very good'.

Lakshantha will be waiting for me in the morning, guarding the table that he has claimed as mine; we will talk about rugby, food and family - and he will let me into a little more of his world - not because I am anything special - but because I took time to see him, and to call him by name.