Thursday 12 June 2008

New Team Members

Thanks to the generosity of a private donation we are able to afford to take four new team members with us to Sri Lanka. These individuals are experts in singing and dancing, and are especially effective with children's ministry - they will be an invaluable addition to the program.

Best of all they have requested that they be counted as 'real missionaries' and so they have committed the 'rest of their lives' to Sri Lanka. They will be initially assigned to the Training College in Colombo where they will work with Cadet Officers, but they have said that they will be available to 'special' on request.

At the first team building meeting last weekend their was mixed reactions. One team member (Gay) was extremely exuberant and offered to pay for her new partner to have a change of wardrobe - whilst other team members were a little more reserved, the indications of strong bonding in the team are good.

We wish them well as they, and the rest of the team work together on their song, drama and dance routines.