Wednesday 5 March 2008

Unrealised Potential

There is nothing more frustrating than watching a talented person choosing to disengage from the opportunities and in so doing live a life of unrealised potential.

I know a man who is naturally gifted: he can pick up any musical instrument, listen to a tune once, and within minutes be playing that tune back: he can pick up languages quickly: he can converse on any subject with confidence in minutes: he can be friendly, disarming and outgoing - but he chooses to exist rather than excel - he frustrates me and, at times, I believe himself.

As a person passionate and committed to identifying and releasing capacity (or potential) in the people I work with there is little more disapointing than working with people that refuse, (or choose not), to see that their engagement in the community could make an amazing difference. Not just for the community, but for their own self worth and sense of achievement.

It's when you hear of another person 'letting you down' (and perhaps letting themselves down) that you begin to wonder whether you have what it takes to make a difference. When I consider the past I know I do, but the immediate present can tend to overshadow the reality of a lifetime!

Perspective is an essential tool for capacity developers but often frustratingly illusive.