Wednesday 3 October 2007

Transforming Lives

A day of administration, orientation and information. I had the opportunity to visit three community ministries centres on Hong Kong Island this afternoon. The journey started with a Community Day Centre for the mentally challenged. In this complex about 20 young people attend sessions in drama, craft, dancing and other creative therapies. It is a happy place.

From there to a Youth and Children’s Intervention program that provides a multitude of centre, community and school based activities to help develop the capacity, hope and potential of the young in the densely populated welfare housing sector. This is quite an amazing program that proves the worth of community based intervention and activity. The young people’s lives are being transformed permanently and it is an exciting place to visit.

Close by, in the same community is a Boys’ Home that caters for 40 boys, (11-18 years) providing a home and a future for at risk boys. Again another example of positive role models and hope.

If the rest of the Community work in Hong Kong, Macau Command is similar then I know that here lives are being transformed and as a result society can be reformed.