Friday 16 December 2011

Ban the Tie

"Chile's government wants men in the South American country to take off their ties to help fight global warming, hoping the campaign will save on air conditioning as summer starts in the southern hemisphere."

It’s official, Ties are Evil! For a long time now I have managed to upset tightly tied leaders who have a strangle hold on the traditional idea that it is impossible to be professional without a precisely tied piece of cloth hanging around my neck. But all this time it has really been my environmental conscience, my deep seated, unconscious desire to be globally aware and save the rainforests that has driven my hatred of the throttle cloth.

If we could stop the ice melting in the Antarctic and save Pacific Islander’s homes from drowning by banning the tie – why wouldn’t we?

For the sake of the many species that are at threat of distinction because of global warming I say: “Ban the Tie”. We need a global campaign – and so I call on all those tightly wound executives, those people that feel strangled by the constriction of traditional windonsian restriction to remove their ties. Let’s make February 6 a Tie Free Day!