Tuesday 11 May 2010

I am a Human Being

It was 'revealed' this morning that a number of Asylum seeker families have been 'detained' under security in a suburban Motel in Queensland - without the knowledge of the locals. But now that it has been revealed that their neighbours are asylum seekers they are not happy.

One of the residents interviewed suggested it was 'not right, who knows what is in that hotel'!

It reminded me of the hysteria whipped up in the wake of the Tampa incident when Australians objectified the situation. With our capacity to blur out the individual faces and ignore our shared humanity we are able to depersonalise the story and claim that we are only protecting our own.

The human tendency to prejudice and xenophobia is born and grows in a climate of ignorance, selfishness and unwillingness to learn.

The unfounded and irresponsible reporting of the TV journalist further inflamed the situation when she claimed that the hotel borders on 'a playground, a school and a main road'. What was she suggesting: that the 'asylum seekers' (let's keep them faceless commodities) 'were paedophiles looking for a quick get-away and an opportunity to silently melt into our community'? And what made it worse apparently was that the school is one of the areas most respected.

This kind of irresponsible reporting will result in tragedy. I hope I am wrong, but I bet this is not the last we will hear of the small motel in the suburbs and the frightened parents that have sacrificed a huge amount in an attempt to provide their kids with a new, safe and hope-filled life.