Friday 5 February 2010

When Words Don't Match the Actions

I had the privilege of attending a Citizenship Ceremony a few weeks ago (on Australia Day) and there I listened to a member of parliament tell of his belief that all Australians, "even you new Australians" [his words] are equal.

With what to me seemed very little conviction, and even less passion, he announced that he existed only at the pleasure of the citizens, before he went on to reiterate that as Australian Citizens they were entitled to all the same benefits as he and they were his equal.

I might have believed him if I hadn't watched him! The very next morning I saw him on the street of his electorate - I watched as he brushed aside one of these "new Australian citizens" because he was obviously in a hurry to be somewhere else.

The experience once again reminded me that it is better not to announce what you stand for unless you intend to stand!