Wednesday 11 March 2009


When a motivational products company interviewed Tim Dumler by phone for a sales job, he told them his goal was to become their number one employee.

After meeting him in person they were shocked to discover he was legally blind. But he promised he'd buy a machine that magnifies letters. So, despite serious misgivings, they hired him. And it's a good thing they did. He came in early, worked late, and within six years became their top producer.

His clients loved him because when you're blind you become a great listener. And his associates loved him because of his caring, positive attitude. He said, "It's unfortunate that I'm visually impaired but adversity made me a better person. I have a lot more than I don't have."
Tim has the 100-degree attitude!What's the 100-degree attitude?

At 99 degrees Celsius water is hot. At 100 degrees it boils. With boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a train. One extra degree makes all the difference in business and in life; it separates the good from the great. (Story from the Web)

Attitude, yours and mine, has an amazingly powerful influence on the effectiveness of our ministry.

Attitude can reveal more about who you really are than anything you say, or do. It can be that one thing that makes me want to hear what you say, or walk away. And that’s completely unfair because it’s entirely subjective—and often irreversible.

Integrity (and therefore potential for influence) can be destroyed in five seconds by attitude, but confidence and trust take infinitely longer to rebuild.