Monday 14 July 2008

Colombo Central

Colombo Central was alive with sound and enthusiasm this morning. As the buses thundered past, dodging tuk-tuks and pedestrians with hands on horns it was difficult to hear ourselves think at times - but despite the chaotic environment in which the Corps is situated about 75 people met in worship.

The brass band played with passion and power, managing to drown out the bus horns, and the worship band got us marching around the hall. Ian preached and the rest of the team participated in the worship time.

Following the service, Manu (in the hands of Major Gay) introduced the youth to Maori culture and language and helped us think about the qualities of life that should best be sought after.

The afternoon was spent doing the circuit of souvenir and other shops in preparation for our return to family and friends... look out Aotearoa there is a herd of elephants, in all shapes and sizes, on its way.