Wednesday 16 January 2008

Sri Lanka 2008

In June this year a small group of people from The Meeting House are travelling to Sri Lanka for a few weeks. Whilst there we will be supporting some of The Salvation Army's ministry to children and women. One of the places we will visit and work in is The Haven in Colombo - here children and women rescued from the sex trade are given new hope, young girls who have no where to have babies are looked after, children who have lost parents are cared for. It's an amazing ministry and one that we are thrilled to be able to support.

We will also have the opportunity to work with Tsunami victims in the South Western district (and I will have the privilege of meeting some of the families I helped back in 2004/5).

This trip is an opportunity to make a small difference in the lives of the people we visit and journey with, but more than that it's an opportunity for those of us going to be taught and have our lives impacted by the stories of others.

My experience of these visits is that the visitors are changed (for ever) - and as a result their ministries back home are transformed. So not only will this trip impact those we visit, but it will impact our Corps and further energise the ministries of The Meeting House.