Friday 10 August 2007

A Priority for Transformation

We are born into this world naked and equal, but we live in it utterly unequally, and it cannot be said that we do this out of free choice. The inequality is imposed by a whole host of forces, most of which can be identified, and many of which can be controlled, if not reversed and obliterated. (Kennedy, 1989:425)

As a community development practitioner I need to believe that a particular situation, inequality or disadvantage can be controlled, reversed, or obliterated and as a result the context transformed.

Surely this same desire for contextual and individual transformation, and the deep seated belief that circumstances can be improved, resonates in the spirit of every Salvationist? It must be this conviction and this hope, which motivates the actions of every Salvationist.

It is this priority for transformation that makes every Salvationist a community, and human capacity developer. (I sure don't do it for the financial gain!)